What’s the weather like in Ericeria & when to visit?
Ericeiraβs weather in a nutshell
From sunshine and bikini-weather in December to mayday-grey-day in August: everything is possible in Ericeira and conditions can change in an instant! There are although some general guidelines for when to visit depending on your holiday plan:
September and October are most predictable and usually always amazing in terms of weather and waves.
June, July and August are always warm, it might get pretty windy and foggy at times!
March, April and May bring mild weather, waves are good for everybody and from sunshine to rainy days, everything is possible.
This is true for November, December, January and February too, just that temperatures cool down a bit more, specially at night. Waves are usually gnarly during the winter months!
From March to May itβs spring
Temperatures start to rise in March and it is usually sunny with the occasional rainy days. When the sun is out it’s definitely already bikini-time by our pool! Nevertheless, nights are still a bit chilly and you can make use of our fire places.
As flours bloom and hills and valleys dress in fresh seasonal green, March, April and May are perfect for hiking and biking! Check out our infos on rental bikes and bike tours here and see great tips for walking trails here.
As for the surf, the spring months are generally good for everybody, advanced surfers and beginners. Mind that waves and swells are still strong and whilst beginners can already take surf lessons it might not be possible on all days due to the advanced conditions or even stormy days!
June, July and August
In summer the weather is always warm, mornings in June might be foggy and afternoons in July and August can bring lots of wind.
The greatest tourist crowds are in town and they especially line up during July and August (peak season)! Surf lessons are packed and so are beaches around Ericeira village. Nonetheless, it’s definitly not like the french riviera and you can still find your hideaways close by: check our tips for escaping the crowd.
Waves and swells are usually small which makes it perfect conditions for beginners and advanced beginners pretty much every day and specially in the early morning!
If you plan on visiting Lisbon and other historic sights prepare for lining up and waiting the occasional extra 30 mins to an hour for pretty much everything!
September & October: the real summer is on!
Whilst the masses go back to school and work, those who can manage to take time of at this time of the year get it all: September and October bring clean waves, off-shore, warm currents and wonderful windless weather – you can pretty much count on Portuguese perfection for weather and waves!
Though line-ups are far away from empty there is still a very good chance you’ll find your magic in the water: Thanks to the great surfing consitions just so many peaks are working and the vast amount of surfers hence spread out!
Chilly nights, sunny days & the occasional storm
Fall usually starts in early November and whilst nights are cool, days are often full of sunshine: until the end of December you might even catch beach-weather, especially around Christmas! Then again, it can be very rainy and stormy & this might be the case for days or weeks. But one thing is for sure: if the sun is out, it’s once again bikini-time around our pool!
Winter in Ericeira is quite similar to fall, though a bit colder! Whilst the ocean never gets much colder than it already is in summer, temperatures on land can drop in January and February. Just like fall, Jan and Feb are unpredictable and can bring both: days and weeks of sunshine or rain!
Surfers be aware, winter not only brings huge swells, but can also surprise with weeks of perfect small waves and wonderful, windless, glassy line ups!